CodeIgniter 3 is a popular PHP framework that allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily. One of the most common types of web applications is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application, which allows users to perform basic database operations on a set of data.
In this context, creating a CRUD application with CodeIgniter 3 involves setting up a database, defining a model to interact with the database, creating views to display and manipulate data, and defining controller methods to handle HTTP requests.
Here’s a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using CodeIgniter 3:
- Create a database with the name “ci_crud”.
- Create a “users” table in the “ci_crud” database with the following structure:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
- In your CodeIgniter 3 project, create a controller called “Users” with the following methods:
class Users extends CI_Controller {
public function index() {
$data['users'] = $this->User_model->get_users();
$this->load->view('users/index', $data);
public function create() {
public function store() {
public function edit($id) {
$data['user'] = $this->User_model->get_user($id);
$this->load->view('users/edit', $data);
public function update($id) {
public function delete($id) {
- Create a model called “User_model” with the following methods:
class User_model extends CI_Model {
public function get_users() {
return $this->db->get('users')->result();
public function get_user($id) {
return $this->db->get_where('users', ['id' => $id])->row();
public function insert_user() {
$data = [
'name' => $this->input->post('name'),
'email' => $this->input->post('email'),
'phone' => $this->input->post('phone')
$this->db->insert('users', $data);
public function update_user($id) {
$data = [
'name' => $this->input->post('name'),
'email' => $this->input->post('email'),
'phone' => $this->input->post('phone')
$this->db->where('id', $id);
$this->db->update('users', $data);
public function delete_user($id) {
$this->db->where('id', $id);
- Create the following views in the “application/views/users” directory:
1- index.php
<p><a href="<?= site_url('users/create') ?>">Create User</a></p>
<?php foreach ($users as $user): ?>
<td><?= $user->name ?></td>
<td><?= $user->email ?></td>
<td><?= $user->phone ?></td>
<a href="<?= site_url('users/edit/'.$user->id) ?>">Edit</a>
<a href="<?= site_url('users/delete/'.$user->id) ?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this user?')">Delete</a>
<?php endforeach ?>
2- create.php
<h1>Create User</h1>
<?= form_open('users/store') ?>
<input type="text" name="name" required>
<input type="email" name="email" required>
<input type="tel" name="phone" required>
<button type="submit">Create</button>
<a href="<?= site_url('users') ?>">Cancel</a>
<?= form_close() ?>
3- edit.php
<h1>Edit User</h1>
<?= form_open('users/update/'.$user->id) ?>
<input type="text" name="name" value="<?= $user->name ?>" required>
<input type="email" name="email" value="<?= $user->email ?>" required>
<input type="tel" name="phone" value="<?= $user->phone ?>" required>
<button type="submit">Update</button>
<a href="<?= site_url('users') ?>">Cancel</a>
<?= form_close() ?>
That’s it! You should now be able to create, read, update, and delete users using CodeIgniter 3.