Laravel provides an elegant and flexible way to build database queries using Eloquent and Query Builder. Often, there might be scenarios where you need to apply a where condition only when a field is not NULL. Instead of writing verbose conditional checks, Laravel provides a simple and efficient approach to handle this.

Using the when Method

Laravel’s when method is a powerful way to conditionally apply query constraints. It allows you to add a where clause only when a specific field is not NULL.


$users = DB::table('users')
    ->when(request('name'), function ($query, $name) {
        return $query->where('name', $name);


  • when(request('name')...) ensures that the where clause is applied only if request('name') has a value.
  • If request('name') is NULL, the where condition is skipped, making the query more efficient.

Using Conditional Checks (if Statements)

If you prefer a more explicit approach, you can check for NULL values before applying the where condition.

$query = DB::table('users');

if (!is_null(request('name'))) {
    $query->where('name', request('name'));

$users = $query->get();

This method ensures that the query only includes the where clause when the field value is not NULL.

Using Eloquent Model with when

If you’re using Eloquent models, you can apply the when method in a similar way:

$users = User::when(!is_null(request('name')), function ($query) {
    return $query->where('name', request('name'));

This approach makes your queries cleaner and more readable.


By using Laravel’s when method or simple conditional checks, you can efficiently apply a where condition only when the field value is not NULL. This prevents unnecessary queries and improves the performance of your Laravel applications.

Would you like to see more practical examples or discuss advanced query-building techniques? Let us know in the comments! 🚀

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