
Laravel continues to be a favorite among PHP developers due to its elegant syntax and robust features that make development fast, secure, and enjoyable. Among its plethora of features, Laravel’s Eloquent ORM provides powerful methods to streamline database interactions and simplify data retrieval processes. Two such invaluable methods are firstOr and findOr. These methods enhance the way developers handle queries that return no results, allowing for cleaner and more efficient code. This blog post explores these methods, helping you understand when and how to use them in your Laravel projects.

Understanding firstOr

The firstOr method is part of Laravel’s query builder and is used to retrieve the first record that meets a specified condition. What sets firstOr apart is its ability to execute a fallback if no matching model is found. This is particularly useful for avoiding exceptions when a query returns null.

When to Use:

  • Retrieving a single record based on specific conditions.
  • Providing a default value or alternative execution path if no record is found.

Example Usage:

Consider a scenario where you need to fetch a user’s details based on their email. If no user is found with the specified email, you might want to return a default message:

$user = User::where('email', '')->firstOr(function () {
return 'No user found';

This code efficiently handles the case where the email does not exist in the database, preventing the application from breaking and providing a user-friendly message.

Discovering findOr

Similar to firstOr, the findOr method is designed to find a model based on its primary key (usually the id). It too provides a mechanism to handle situations where no model is found, either executing a given closure or returning a new model instance with default values.

When to Use:

  • Quickly retrieving a model by its ID.
  • Handling the “not found” scenario without throwing an exception.

Example Usage:

Imagine you need to retrieve a user by their ID. If no user is found, you might redirect the user to a custom error page:

$user = User::findOr($id, function () {
return redirect()->route('users.notFound');

This method ensures that the application gracefully redirects the user, enhancing the user experience by avoiding error screens.

Benefits of Using firstOr and findOr

The introduction of firstOr and findOr into Laravel’s Eloquent ORM toolkit provides significant advantages:

  • Improved Error Handling: These methods provide built-in mechanisms for dealing with null results, reducing the need for explicit checks in your code.
  • Cleaner Code: By utilizing these methods, your codebase becomes cleaner and more readable, focusing more on business logic rather than handling null cases.
  • Flexibility: They offer flexibility in handling not found cases, allowing developers to return default values, create new models, or perform any custom action seamlessly.


Laravel’s firstOr and findOr methods exemplify the framework’s commitment to making PHP development not just easier but also more robust. By integrating these methods into your Laravel toolkit, you can ensure that your applications handle null queries elegantly, maintain clean code, and provide an excellent user experience. Whether you are a seasoned Laravel developer or just starting out, leveraging these methods can significantly enhance your development process.

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